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Edinburgh - Forrest Yoga & MyoFascial Bodywork Weekend Course

Moving Stuck Energy - Releasing Tension with Yoga & Bodywork

with Brian & Szilvia Campbell


Day 1 - The Low Back & Hips

Day 2 - The Neck & Shoulders


Learn how to free-up tension from these common trouble-spots. This is a great workshop if you have injuries, new or old. You will learn valuable skills to help strengthen and bring balance to these areas.


Each day of this weekend workshop has 4 parts. First, a 90 minute Forrest Yoga class sequenced and guided to strengthen & support the day’s focused area. Second, will be a quick Anatomy Discussion with handout outlining the important points for addressing issues in these areas. Thirdly, we will demonstrate 2 highly effective hand’s on assisting Bodywork techniques. And fourthly, everyone will be partnered up and practice the techniques with each other. 

By feeling with the Yoga, visually seeing & hearing with the Anatomy discussion, and then using your hands to feel and then receive touch will leave with a deeper of understanding of your own body and effective ways to release it’s tension.

Bring a friend, or come alone. All levels are welcome.

The Yoga Room, Edinburgh, Scotland