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Berlin, Germany Marvel in a Nutshell! - Bodywork & Forrest Yoga

Marvel in a nutshell! A yummy taster weekend of Forrest Yoga, Applied Anatomy, and Myo-Fascial Bodywork

The weekend's educational focus is on pelvic tilts & rotations.

Everybody has a different type of pelvic tilt and rotation unique to their structure and personality. Becoming aware of the many complex variables that create each person's posture sensibilizes our skills in adressing a person's postural uniqueness.

These two days of comprehensive practicing and learning offer an advanced understanding of pelvic tilts and rotations, how to visually “see” postural specifics and differences, and how to address them through Forrest Yoga and Myo-Fascial Release Bodywork.

Saturday, Nov 5th, 9:00 - 11:00

Forrest Yoga Morning Practice

“To Tuck or Not To Tuck - the Relative Notion of the Ideal Spinal Curve”

This Forrest Yoga intensive practice is designed to educate you about your own spine, and to identify the moves that are specifically beneficial -and counterproductive- in regard to its characteristics.

Saturday, Nov 5th , 13:00 - 17:00

Educational spotlight:
Low Backs - Flat & Arched, Anterior & Posterior Tilts

Unified Anatomy & MyoFascial Meridian Theory

Q&A on Posture, Pain, Yoga & Bodywork

Hands-on MyoFascial Release work with Partner

Sunday, Nov 6th, 9:00-11:00

Forrest Yoga Morning Practice

“Open your Lifeforce - Unkinking Postural Twists and Rotations”

This intensive practice delves into the world of right/left imbalances and seeks to discover ways of opening the stuck energy that lives in these places.

Sunday, Nov 6th, 13:00-17:00

Educational spotlight: Pelvic & Spinal Rotations

Unified Anatomy & MyoFascial Meridian Theory

Q&A on Posture, Pain, Yoga & Bodywork

Hands-on MyoFascial Release work with Partner